Mod: Team of the year 22/23 (TOTY)

A mod by [Deleted]

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Mod version: 2022/2023
Mod type: Squad
Created at: 2023-12-20 20:08:16
Latest update: 2023-12-20 20:53:59
Imported by 0 users


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    • No custom players created.
K. MbappeTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)LW97969688888787
K. BenzemaTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)ST97969689899494
L. MessiTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)RW98979796967979
De bruyneTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)CM97949498988686
J. BellinghamTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)LM95888892929292
L. ModricTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)RM96868697978383
Van dijkTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)LB96656580809494
E. MiltaoTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)RB94606081819292
A. HakimiTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)RWB94818190909191
HernandezTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)LWB94808088889292
T. CourtiosTeam of the year (club)Team of the year (country)GK96747491919085
  • Team of the year (club)
  • Team of the year (country) (National team)